Monthly Archives: December 2010

The CBT Nuggets App and the problem of the secure password

Hello, I use a CBT Nuggets account to watch their training videos on their website. (My employer paid for the license.) So I watched their training videos at home or at work or somewhere else on my iPhone using Safari. … Continue reading

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Hello, sispmctl is the name of a program to control a Gembird SIS-PM programmable power outlet. It is controlled from a Windows PC over an USB cable. A Gembird SIS-PM power outlet with 4 sockets costs around 30 € (here … Continue reading

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Hello, sometimes it would be helpful if ping would just answer with “alive” (=> “Yes, I could ping it”) or “not alive” (=> “No answer while I was waiting”). A simple “0” (=> “alive”) or “1” (=> “not alive”) would … Continue reading

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Hello, on my “static” sites I use the Website Meta Language to create macros. To create the HTML code for a language that is used on a linked website I simply type <flag de> or <flag gb>. With the WordPress … Continue reading

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Hello, this is the fifth posting. Q: Why should I consider a backup? On my static web sites a backup is easy. I create a *.tar file and copy it to another disk. Done. With a WordPress site I have … Continue reading

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Merry christmas and a happy new year!

Hello, and greetings from Dortmund, Germany! Bye, Tore

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Hello, to create the favicon images for my sites I use IcoMaker for Mac OS X . For this blog I only created the 16×16 and 32×32 icons, it seems that IcoMaker has a problem with 48×48 icons. I didn’t … Continue reading

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Hello, I replaced the WordPress default picture. I stacked up some of my computer books and took a picture. I used gimp and with a rotate and a crop later the picture was ready for my blog. Bye, Tore

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hello, world

Hello, I can’t remember when I wrote my first C program. But I’m pretty sure it was hello.c! So “hello, world” is a very good subject for my first WordPress posting. Bye, Tore PS My first task after I installed … Continue reading

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