Monthly Archives: January 2011

Snow Leopard – Let’s Scan Again

Hello, I don’t know why Apple use such names like Panther, Tiger or Leopard for their Mac OS X software. Don’t get me wrong, I like this names. But why on earth do they call one version Leopard and the … Continue reading

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sispmctl – light (on|off|toggle|state)

Hello, this is a followup to the posts sispmctl and sispmctl – using it as non root . With this script we can switch the light on and off, toggle it and check the current state. This shell script shows … Continue reading

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sispmctl – using it as non root

Hello, in my article sispmctl I worked as root all the time. I would prefer to use “sispmctl” as normal user (and without sudo). My solution is to change the group of the entry for the power outlet in /dev/usbdev* … Continue reading

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Hello, last weekend I was helping a friend to check his Ubuntu system. With the command line crissa@unseen:~$ dpkg –list | grep -v “^ii” | tail -n+6 I found a lot of not complete removed packets. It was a long … Continue reading

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Is There Anybody Out There?

Hello, while searching for a way to get the information if there is still someone connected to a Cisco router (without connecting myself) I found How To Get Information About Users Connected To The TTY By Using SNMP . I … Continue reading

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